Monday, March 3, 2008

are you Angry?

'Anger' many people do you or i know who are short tempered? I am sure there are many. they basically are those who lose control over their composure very soon and react without weighing the consequences.. here is a list of personal observation about what all people do when they become angry-
1. most commonly people throw things and express anger. these kind of people are not very dangerous as long as they do not throw something which might break or explode.
Again there is a sub class under this category-
a. people who are foolish enough to throw things which might break for ex mobile phones.( this kind suffers the most.)
b. people who use their brains and throw around things like pillows, sheets of paper, and other unbreakable objects.(i have had a personal experience with this friend of mine who lost her temper at one occasion and made us all scared and started throwing around her clothes,pillow,etc.. she was searching for more stuff to throw and i instinctively handed her mobile phone expecting her to throw it but SHE DIDN'T !!! that was when i identified this category of people.!!

2. people who start abusing left,right,center..well if you are not at the receiving end of the abuse then you can just sit back and enjoy listening to them..those few creative types hurl abuses that are new and innovative, you can learn a great deal if you grasp quickly.. try this out( from a safe distance) the next time one of your friend starts abusing- record the whole abusing session, gather a few friends and watch the whole thing in slow would be fun and a good way to embarrass somebody.
But the other kind of abusers, they keep repeating the same 2-3 abuses again and again and again and make people irritated every time they get angry. This kind of people commonly become famous for their favorite 'abuse' word and everyone who knows them can predict what they are going to say the moment they are angry. you can enjoy a good laugh at their expense everytime they are angry.

3. people who abuse not the person they are angry with but some random poor soul. they abuse out of context, and make everyone sad and confused. they are the most complex of all. i have not understood them much.

4. people who start crying when they get angry. this sort are the most difficult to handle for obvious reasons. if you are the person they are angry with, then you have to mollify them, till they wet 10 napkins!!
Never lend your handkerchief to this kind of people.
Sadly, if you are not the person they are angry with, but you happen to be the only person around, then you have to waste even more time and around 20 napkins!!. First they will start off with why they are angry with XYZ, then they will give you 101 reasons why XYZ was wrong and how hurt they are coz of that.. then they will ask you if they were right in having lost their temper on XYZ. Dare NOT disagree with them at any stage, if you do then do it at the risk of wasting 10 more napkins!

5.people who physically harm themselves when they are angry. this weird variety are normal otherwise but if they get angry they do things like hammering their fists into the wall, bang their head on the door, threaten to jump off the roof and the like. scary scary scary. dial 100 and leave the place asap.

6. people who start beating up the person they are angry with. well if you come across this variety- take a deep breath, scan them through their entire length and width and ask yourself "Is it worth taking the risk?". if you are physically well endowed then Go for it!! If not then run as fast as you can or else offer your apology to them for your own good.
This category of people are easy to identify because it mostly consists of those who are brawny, sturdy and muscular. always be friendly towards this kind and if you belong to the above categories but desperately want to be a part of this category then don't hurry yourself till you become physically qualified.

note: the above analysis doesnt make too much sense. readers are adviced not to think too hard.


Akki said...

Awesome blog ruchi... i think i can recognise who 1b waala friend is ;)

Ragamalika said...

ahem. which category would you put this girl called Ragamalika under?

ruchika said...

thats for you to tell me or i will hv to wait till you get angry with me;-)
or may be you dont belong to any of these categories..may be you can help me discover a new breed of ppl..eureka!..can i run some experiments on you in the laboratory, raga?

Ragamalika said...

er... slight problem, considering i don't like laboratories...

ruchika said...

i will make you feel at home:-) raga

Aashika said...

hahaha...good analysis
well i think i fall in the fourth category...ask people who know me they'll be able to tell;)

ruchika said...

ahem..aashi, i have heard the other story of how you cry when you drink a lot of something which tastes like alcohol..ahem ahem;-)..
i didn't know about the 'anger' part, but if you are so then you must be on ppl's "beware when they get angry" list..lolz..
btwn you always carry paper napkins,don't you?

Jayant said...

Its amazing how we can derive pleasure out of other people's anger,isn't it? (provided we're not a protagonist in the play)

for someone like me who doens't get angry at all( or should I say, who doesn't express his anger publicly for people like you to pounce upon and "categorise" :P) it makes really interesting reading.
about the abuses part, we at MIT know of plenty of them so we'll leave the learning to you girls (who, I believe, LAG BEHIND when it comes to slang vocabulary)

can't stop laughing my stomach out!!!
why don't you post more often??

ruchika said...

thanks for all the praises..
well there are actually quite a few categories that i missed out..
like people who just 'smile' and try to hide their anger!!..
yea i dont blog regularly,i guess laziness is the reason..lolz
Glad to know that you know about MMSC..

Jayant said...

laziness seems to be the universal hurdle in the way of good bloggers :P. n yeah, do find a way to at least keep me informed whenever you blog as last time i ventured into your blog following a link on my friends' friends' friends blog :D
orkut/gtalk,anything wud do..
my id is

as for MMSC, I'm aware of it but i'm nt sure what will i do there(apart from the bloggers meet thing).