Monday, June 25, 2007

what exactly is environmental awareness?

well here i come again and yet another post by me somewhat related to the same issue as the last one.the kind of response(whether positive or negative) i got from two of my friends was truly a very good start for a person who hardly puts down her thoughts bout anything.and i also found that both of them understand the gravity of the i vud like to share an interesting piece of news i read today....It has been found that prince Charles and his royal household have generated nearly 1600 tons of CO2 in the past year.well if u r wondering what 1600 tons of CO2 can do,let me tell u that it is equivalent to more than 600 CARS on Britain's roads for a year!!!its shocking isn't it??.k he is after all the prince and he is doing so many other things for people all over the my friends pointed out in the case of film stars that they are doing a lot by lending their names to such causes.i also agree but dont such reports expose the double standards(for the time being its the prince i m talking bout)??.. according to the news, this week he is supposed to announce dat he and his household are carbon neutral!! with 1600 tons of CO2 in an year i m just trying to figure out what does 'carbon neutral' means exactly!!!.In January the prince travelled to the US to pick up an ''environmental awareness award" !..The two day tour generated 54 tons of CO2...
Well the point i was trying to make in my previous post also, is that people with so many resources and such lavish lifestyles are contributing much more to global warming than any of us (u,me or any other common man does or can do even if we try our best!!l) they are not correct in asking others to stop doing it when they cant..but if they can make an impact,there can be nothing like it..i would like to mention my friend ragamalika's suggestion that all bollywood films should carry a small msg bout G.Warming whether its at the beginning or end of the movie.this step if taken can surely make a huge impact..but yeah each one of us have a duty towards trying our best to do something for making this earth better..and i certainly feel that after thinking so much about the issue and getting very valuable feedback from my friends i shall certainly try to do something for the cause from now on..(however small or insignificant it may be!)


Ragamalika said...

Any attempt is good :)

As students, what we can do is to tell our peers and juniors abt this..

I attended this program organised by a local school on World Environment day. The students stood on the roadside, holding placards on "save the earth"... and the involvement was such that they were actually very excited about the whole thing. They actually knew what they were talking about - awareness!

Maybe we can do something like that in our colonies for the kids?

ruchika said...

yeah well said..we can surely make a difference if we try..such young children n we the youth are the future and its the question of our future..hey even in and around manipal we can do some stuff like this..wt do u say?

Kuch Khayaal Adhoore Se said...

I have to appreciate young lady that this new post is much better than the previous one. Atleast, it doesn't have illogical points. It was great to read that interesting story u carried in this post. But, then I would say that this new post totally brought down my expectations from your blog. After reading the last one, I was expecting some sort of analysis of the issue from you (though the analysis needed much more understanding in the last one). But, you just wrote down a news piece. Nevermind, it was interesting to read. I am happy that finally you decided to take some intiative for bringing down global warming.

Here's a link below to the editorial of Hindustan Times, written by one of my friends. It's interesting to read.

ANd ya, RGMLK can u pls point out what can be done to raise awareness and bring down global warming in Manipal atleast. And Ruchi, in your next post I hope more analysis can be expected so that we can atleast discuss on it and debate on it. Sorry to say, but this new post failed to raise a debate. Last but not the least, overall a good effort. So, I give just 1 out of 5. Keep writing. Thanks.

Ragamalika said...

Ahem ahem? Are you, like a statistician or what? And what's with you and wanting to debate everything???

Anyways, in and around Manipal... Hmm... I'll blog about it. :)