Sunday, April 13, 2008

when the day is bad and you are sad

you are in a bad mood. some body pissed you off or something went wrong. you want be alone and dont want to talk to anybody. but you cant do that. you have to go out and spend time with others against your wish. how many times have you or i found ourselves in such a situation? i will say "very often".
so the 'disaster day' becomes even more disastrous when you are expected to not only be with people but also laugh, smile and be happy. it increases your pain and your mood hits another low. every joke, every conversation is making you feel worse. the anger and frustration is boiling inside you, so what do you end up doing? scream at people around you? just make a very big face and sit there? walk off?
i have done it so often and every time i do such a thing, it ends up in making me feel even more miserable. why do i still do it? because there are times you just lose it and its beyond your control. guess thats when they say 'meditation' helps.
now come into the shoes of the person you just screamed at. well if you have a bad day doesnt mean that everyone around you has to be sad and quiet. accept it and try to reason it out.most of us get away with this kind of behaviour because people who care for us forgive us for being rude. Not always. life is not very kind to you many times have i regretted having opened my mouth and saying something i shouldn't have ? I would say-"have lost count!"
well now when i look back, there are so many instances where i wish i had just kept my mouth shut or reacted after a giving a thought to what i was doing. Anger is like a sewerage that is clogged. you have to channelize it in the right direction else you end up in deep shit.
once a person gave me a piece of his mind when in a similar situation i just lost my temper and said something rude. "ruchika, if YOU had a bad day and are frustrated with your life, please keep it to yourself! why are you spoiling my day by screaming at me??"
That was a reaction i can never forget.
Not everyone gives that honest an opinion, but thats how most of the people feel about you for taking out your anger on them without any fault of theirs.
I am not trying to preach the art of patience nor am i being idealistic. But i think, taking out your anger on others never really helps in any way.
i am learning the art of 'self realisation'.


Jayant said...

Hey Ruchika,
what contrasting posts!!

Include me in your official fan list now.

Yeah,thr r vry fw ppl who'll giv u n honest opinion but the prob is evn if someone gives it, we're so out of our minds that we dont take it in the right spirit.

and believe me, even i've been thru numerous such occasions and at times it's helped me out!!
Thankfully, I'm a person with loads of patience so i dont shout at people(i handle them physically if i'm really angry :D but its rare)

what to say about your writing? I feel myself inferior to analyse it..
keep goin!

Unknown said...

... an amazing art that! :)